
Friday, January 26, 2007

Excuses excuses...

Apologies for the lack of posts in the last few days – it’s been a hectic week, including Tuesday’s lobby of Parliament, the Lambeth UNISON Branch AGM (at which I returned to being Branch Secretary on a job-share basis) and a day of refresher training in the Greater London Provincial Council job evaluation scheme.

That led to my missing the second ever meeting of the Greater London Employment Forum, this time attended by even fewer representatives of the London Borough Councils than the poor turn out at the first meeting.

I am looking forward to next week’s Annual General Meeting of UNISON’s Greater London Regional Council, which will be the first meeting to attract a quorum since the last AGM. This is the first year I can remember in which we have had no quorate meeting apart from the AGM – I hope that it will be the last. We need a Union which can attract delegates to meetings at which we can take the leading role we should have in our capital city.

I’ll blog here later about some of the items on the agenda for the meeting…

(Oh and I would like to thank friends at the Regional Office for all their support and encouragement to me to return to the position of Branch Secretary!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 am

    Friends at the Regional Office? Careful Jon or you'll be accused of getting in with the bureuacrats ;)
    Seriously, though - what are paid tu staff doing encouraging individuals to take up positions? Isn't that interefering in the democratic process?
