
Friday, June 22, 2007

UNISON United at start of pay fight

I’ve returned to my sporadic attempts to blog from UNISON National Delegate Conference in order to report the news that Conference has just agreed unanimously a Composite Emergency Motion on Pay. The Composite was in the name of the National Executive Council and the Manchester Community and Mental Health branch and therefore reflected unanimity between the Union leadership and the rank and file left on the need for united action on public sector pay.

The motion calls for a campaign for fair pay, up to and including strike action; co-ordination of pay campaigns within UNISON; joint work with other public service unions to co-ordinate strikes, and work with user organisations and pressure groups.

Gordon Brown won’t do much for trade unionists – but he has helped to create the potential for the most impressive unity we have seen for many years. UNISON activists need to take the campaign back into our workplaces in order to win our members support for strike action. We also need to make links, organising local and Regional rallies in conjunction with our brothers and sisters in PCS, the NUT, CWU, GMB, UNITE and all other trade unions.

The first step is to support the postal workers on their picket lines – and organising speaking tours by the CWU in our workplaces.

There is a running official report from Conference on the website.

1 comment:

  1. Bill Ball9:20 am

    Jon is of course right that we cannot expect Brown to do much for our union. I can`t help wondering why the leadership saw fit to back him against John McDonnell, a unions ponsored MP who broadly supports our agenda. A cabinet job when you retire is it Dave? Why not? You could support Johnson in defending our pension rights.
