
Monday, August 03, 2009

Wish you were here :)

The great thing about being on holiday is that you can find things worth so much more than a one per cent pay increase.

Whether you want to accept or reject the pay offer – we all need to consider the point raised with me recently by a diligent activist from amongst dreaming spires.

If we end up with a pay rise worth barely more than 1% from employers who have on average budgeted for twice as much, how can we then try to get the benefit from a one day increase in annual leave?

Most of us have locally agreed leave codes which exceed the national agreement. An increase in the national agreement will not automatically increase the leave entitlement of those of us with better local agreements. That will be for us to negotiate locally.

How can we use this proposed settlement to get an extra day’s leave for all our members?

After all, we can do much more with leave than with money!


  1. Anonymous11:38 am

    jon, when exactly are you going to put the full offer from the employers on our branch blog so our members can judge for themselves,rather than reading your own aloof and detached cynical side commentary ?

  2. Anonymous12:14 pm

    But you know me Jon its Selwyn the man in grey...


  3. Anonymous11:03 pm

    That is the sort of response i would expect from a white Middle Class union leader who has been around for a long time and not from a working class hero ? or am I getting my metaphors mixed up.


  4. Anonymous12:41 pm

    so you are blaming Nick Venedi then for not putting the details on the Branch Blog ?


  5. Anonymous12:05 am

    Jeez, give Jon a break.
    You've obviously all got PCs or you couldn't have posted messages here.
    The full UNISON consultation document can be found here -

  6. Anonymous8:25 am

    Jon, Have you seen this?

