
Saturday, February 06, 2010

The attack on redundancy terms in the civil service is an attack on us all

PCS members are now voting in a national strike ballot in opposition to an attack on the redundancy terms offered to civil servants (details online at

Although the Government seek to justify this as bringing the civil service into line with the rest of the public sector, wise public servants will recognise a threat to all our interests.

In local government we have already lost "added years" of pensionable service for those made redundant and - in common with other sectors - will see the minimum pension age increase to 55 in a few weeks.

However it is still expensive for the employers to make older and long serving colleagues redundant and rather than our employers therefore seeking to avoid redundancies we may expect attempts to weaken our rights in the LGPS if New Labour wins its last attack upon our class. The stronger the defence of the Civil Service Scheme the better for us all.

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

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