
Monday, October 11, 2010

A growing Union

It was reported to last week's NEC meeting that we are growing at an annualised rate of 1.63% which means that - given a turnover in excess of 10% we are recruiting 12% of our membership each year.

One in four of new applicants now join online, which means that the internet is now second only to national strike action in boosting our recruitment. (Could a strike-happy blogger feel any more vindicated??)

The Three Companies Project (about which the NEC is to receive a full report) has raised density on the ten contracts upon which it has focused from 21 to 55%. For privatised contracts these are impressive figures.

This good news needs to be set against the scale of the challenges which we face - but it does show we can build the Union to fight back even in the most challenging circumstances.

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

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