Out of sequence I know, but I thought I would blog a little about the Rules debate yesterday afternoon (Thursday).
Two particular debates stand out.
First, the NEC were proposing a rule amendment to change the name of the Additional Members Seats on the NEC to Black Members Seats, with effect from the next elections.
This faced some bizarre objections on the basis of arguments against having any reserved seats on the NEC – and had it not been for a spontaneous response from the floor of Conference to put the arguments in favour of the NEC position the Rule Amendment might well not have got the required two thirds majority.
An honourable mention should go to comrades from the London Regional Black Members Committee in particular who rushed to the front to defend the principles of self-organisation, alongside comrades both black and white who persuaded Conference to agree the change.
Another worthy Rule Amendment which narrowly failed to get the two thirds was a proposal from Croydon Branch to reduce from thirteen weeks to four weeks the period of time before which new members can gain legal assistance. When the NEC proposed this last year it was smashed, but some good work has been done and, on a card vote, the Rule Amendment did not fall far short of the two thirds majority.
Better luck next year Malcolm!
It was certainly a lot closer a vote this year than it was last. Maybe a proposal next year for 6 or 8 weeks would be a good idea and would certainly get the 2/3 required. Then the following year 4 weeks would go through.