
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Any Other Business at the UNISON NEC

Towards the end of yesterday's NEC meeting a number of other matters were dealt with including the following;

The NEC has rearranged its meeting dates in order to reduce expenditure and also to reduce the amount of travelling done by NEC members (as part of our “Green” policy to reduce our carbon footprint) – I did not support this because I felt that proposals to reduce by one the number of NEC meetings in the year further reduced lay oversight of our Union;

The NEC received an update on the project to build a new Head Office building opposite Mabledon Place;

The Chair of the Staffing Committee reported on plans to reorganise our staff to promote the organising agenda, this has led to a dispute with one of the staff trade unions over the question of consultation and an indicative ballot is currently taking place but negotiations are continuing;

The NEC members for the South East Region pointed out that none of them had ever been asked to serve on an internal disciplinary panel and were advised that they ought to have expressed an interest (upon hearing this I promptly expressed an interest myself).

Finally, on a lighter note, we were all given UNISON NEC badges - and over lunch myself and some comrades began to turn our minds to the vexed question of when one might wear such a badge and if it is possible to wear the badge in a "personal capacity".

An informal working group is to be established to work on some guidelines on the wearing of badges and comments from UNISON members will be very welcome...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:50 pm

    Grief - what a pathetic excuse to reduce lay democracy. Did anyone ask exactly what percentage carbon footprint of UNISON would be reduced?
    Whilst I appreciate the generally gaseous nature of the NEC it strikes me that there are better things to do to reduce the impact than this type of posturing exercise.
    Presumably someone has now ensured that all the remaining NEC meeting outputs are emission calculated to ensure they are offset somewhere, somehow?
    If not, why not-if UNISON is serious about this matter. Kat
