
Friday, April 11, 2008

Service Group Executive elections

(This is one of those posts prepared and posted without using UNISON resources)

The elections to the Service Group Executives are upon us.

These are important elections for UNISON members.

With threats of real terms pay cuts across the board we need to elect people who are serious about a lay member led trade union that fights for its members.

In Greater London there are contested elections in local government and health.

In local government I will be voting for David Eggmore and Sonya Howard.

Were I a health worker I would put my cross beside the names of and Len Hockey and Janet Maiden.

All of these candidates from the left are also dedicated and committed activists with a proven track record of achievement.

If you are a UNISON member make sure you vote - and if you are a UNISON activist or shop steward make sure you remind your members. Remember not to use UNISON resources to campaign for or against any candidate - but branches are entitled to remind members if they nominated a particular candidate or candidates.

Good luck to all the candidates!

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