
Monday, April 20, 2009

UNISON Health Conference opposing privatisation

As delegates from health branches gather in Harrogate for the Health Service Group Conference, UNISON is making the news with an important new report making the connections between the privatisation of cleaning in our hospitals and the spread of infection, which makes the compelling case that “a properly resourced, integrated, inhouse cleaning service can make a real contribution to infection control because good quality cleaning is effective, achievable and is exceptionally good value for money”.

That’s just one of the reasons why our General Secretary told delegates today that UNISON would never give up our opposition to privatisation saying; "UNISON will never, ever back down on the market. Patients are not consumers. The market cannot do a better job”. UNISON has been dealing with the consequences of privatisation for health workers for many years (the strike of the Hillingdon hospital cleaners from 1996 springs to mind).

Now – as Dave Prentis told Health Conference today – when we have seen the biggest financial bubble in history burst it is precisely the time for us to redouble our opposition to privatisation. That’s why I am proud to be standing alongside candidates like Kate Ahrens, Karen Reissmann, Roger Davey and Stephen Lintott in elections to UNISON’s National Executive Council. We need a leadership for UNISON who will make the sea change that is necessary to step up our campaign in defence of public services.

Support the candidates of the left.

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