
Sunday, September 06, 2009

Support UCU strikers at Tower Hamlets College

I've just received the following via UNISON United Left;

UCU members at Tower Hamlets College have been on all out strike since Thursday 27th August - fighting to defend jobs and education. Below please see all ways you can raise this in your branches.

What you can do to help:

1. Picket lines all day

Visit picket lines

Poplar High Street E14 0AF

Arbour Square E1 0PT

Bethnal Green E2 6AB

2. Take a collection at work:

Strike fund: c/o Keith Priddle UCU THC Treasurer

Tower Hamlets College, Arbour Square Site, E1 0PT.

Sort code 089299

Account number 65252262

3. Send urgent messages of support to:

Richard McEwan (Branch Sec) 07532364638

Alison Lord (Branch Chair) 07805819605

John Budis (Branch Sec) 07967893664

4. Write to the Principal

6. Sign:

7. For uptodate info, video and photos join the Facebook group: ‘Tower Hamlets - Stop the Cuts!’

8. Write to your MP:

9. Demand Jobs and Educations for All. Join UCU sponsored lobby of the Labour party conference September 27th in Brighton.

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