
Monday, June 14, 2010

Card Vote Victory for common sense (and the Lambeth Branch)

The result of the card vote on Amendment 20.01 at the Unison Local Government Conference was that the amendment was passed by 307,190 votes to 258,243.

This means - in particular - that it is the policy of Unison's largest service group, representing a clear majority of Unison members, is in favour of working with other trade unionists, through Trades Councils, as part of our response to Total Place.

This sensible decision - resisted inexplicably from the right - reflects the common sense conclusion that we need a joint union response to the challenges which now confront us as trade unionists.

Unison is a splendid trade union but - as Local Government Conference has now agreed - we cannot and must not campaign in splendid isolation.

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange


  1. Anonymous9:28 pm

    On what grounds was the idea to work with Trades Councils opposed Jon?

    Seems like a commonsense step to take

  2. Hey Jon of the Rogers, hope you are behaving yourself?? Be careful of them dolphins...
