Ballot papers are hitting doormats now in the UNISON NEC elections (apart from those of you with those irritating vertical letterboxes hinged at the top whose ballot papers are in envelopes folded amongst junk mail and leaflets for pizzas because you don't have a proper letterbox!)
I shall use my votes for the candidates of the left (myself included) because now is precisely the time for a more combative and effective leadership for our trade union.
From the election addresses which will be all that most members know of the candidates asking for their votes, it will no doubt appear that every candidate is a socialist firebrand dedicating their every waking hour to the struggle against the Tory led Coalition Government.
However the candidates standing to achieve a fighting and democratic union are those with a proven track record of action rather than only words. These activists are the sort of people we need amongst our national leadership if we are to rise to the challenges facing UNISON in 2011.
Good luck comrades!
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