UNISON branch activists need to be mindful that the deadline for asking questions of the NEC Annual Report (which has been posted out to all members and is available on the website if you sign in) is this Wednesday!
Asking questions of the NEC Annual Report is a useful way of obtaining information (which you may need to support arguments you wish to make at Conference).
It can also be an opportunity - briefly - to make a point to Conference delegates on the Tuesday morning of Conference week (although only if you both ask an initial written question online by Wednesday's noon deadline and then ask a further supplementary question online (should you need to) once you have an answer).
So, union activists who like to ask awkward questions of powerful people have a couple of days yet.
And union activists who don't like to ask awkward questions of powerful people.
Well, I don't mean to be rude, so I shan't say anything about those people...
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