
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Whatever happens tomorrow - we have a lot of work to do

‎Today we heard that the relatively small number of UNITE members in local government (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) voted to "accept" the insulting pay proposals (which, of course, we have yet to be offered) by 81% to 19% on a 27% turnout.

Tomorrow's GMB ballot result will likely also be for acceptance (given the recommendation made in that Union).

However, the large majority of local government trade unionists are in UNISON - and the decision of UNISON's National Joint Council (NJC) Committee meeting tomorrow morning will mandate the majority of the trade union side and therefore be decisive.

The NJC Committee will know, tomorrow when it meets, results at which we can as yet only guess. Dorset have voted to reject, Norfolk to accept. All the London branches from which I have heard are rejecting, but there are others from whom I would not necessarily expect to hear.

Whatever tomorrow's outcome, the fact that the Lambeth branch turnout of 32% (89% rejecting) is - relatively spe‎aking - a "good" turnout tells us a great deal about the work which we all have to do to build workplace organisation.

This dispute tells us a lot about the need for better leadership - but at least as much about the need for better organisation.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.

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