
Monday, June 01, 2015

Solidarity with Barnet strikers

Hundreds of UNISON members in the North London borough of Barnet are striking today and tomorrow in a dispute sparked by the Tory Council's plans for the wholesale privatisation of Council services.

Barnet's dispute with an ideologically motivated Tory Council clinging to power with a one seat majority is of strategic significance for all local government workers.

The drive to a thoroughgoing split between "commissioning" and "delivery" of public services (which seeks to remodel local government to match more closely the late nineteenth century Metropolitan Board of Works) means that many local authorities are organisationally prepared to mimic Barnet (and, of course, some already have).

Barnet UNISON have been waging an exemplary rearguard action against the onslaught of ideologically motivated social vandalism upon which the Tories have been determined. Other UNISON branches have much to learn from ‎their resistance.

And UNISON, at national and - most particularly - Regional level has a lot to learn about how most effectively to demonstrate and mobilise solidarity for members involved in such a strategically important dispute.

(At a simple level, an organisation with UNISON's resources should be able to keep our Regional website up to date and circulate an official request for messages of support and donations to the branch).

For now though the most important message to send is one of solidarity to the Barnet strikers.

If you can make it to their film show, picket lines or rally (tomorrow). If not then use social media to promote and support their action.

Barnet UNISON deserve the wholehearted support of every trade unionist.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.

The UNISON web site carries this news story posted up at 10.57am, which also features on the Regional website.

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