
Tuesday, July 07, 2015

A whole Conference just for Rules?

Diligent readers of this blog (Sid and Doris Blogger) will know that its author has an almost unhealthy interest in the UNISON Rule Book.
I have therefore read with interest the post at the link above, from the blog of a UNITE activist, concerning the first day of their Rules Conference.

It appears that lay activists have resisted some fairly dodgy manoeuvres, but have lost the argument for election of officials. 

At the same time, UNITE's support for Jeremy Corbyn, the socialist candidate‎ for Labour Leader has coincided with a successful defence of UNITE's Labour Party affiliation.

As much as a special Rules Conference sounds like a personal paradise, I think I prefer the annual opportunity to amend our Rule Book which we have in UNISON.

Indeed, I prefer an Annual Conference all round - and I continue to wonder why the lay leadership of PCS would sooner be subsumed in a trade union where branches can change Union policy only every two years and rules only every four years.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.

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