
Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Pope still Catholic. Bears...

‎The UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) has voted to nominate Dave Prentis in the election for UNISON General Secretary.

Dave got 32 votes to 16 for leading left challenger John Burgess, 4 for Roger Bannister, 1 for Hayley Garner and 1 abstention. The NEC has 65 members in total.

Whilst the Prentis camp will claim this as a significant result it is really as expected as Papal Catholicism and the arboreal toilet habits of ursine mammals.

‎What is remarkable is that the NEC nomination was decided by a minority of NEC members - and that a rank and file challenger, John Burgess of the Barnet branch made the strongest showing in such a vote of any left candidate in UNISON.

I will blog a further report of the NEC meeting later - but thought I should report this now for a particularly eager reader.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.

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