
Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Lambeth branch back online - to save Libraries is the web address for Lambeth UNISON, and I recommend readers of this blog bookmark the site to keep up to date with developments in the only borough to have a music hall song named for us.

This week the branch site will be keeping readers up to date with UNISON's campaign to save Lambeth's libraries, in connection with which, and in furtherance of a trade dispute, UNISON members in Lambeth libraries will be taking official strike action this coming Monday, 8 February.

As any other branch activist will understand, the disputes which lead to action and which we publicise online (and elsewhere) are the tip of the iceberg of union activity in the face of the Tory Government's onslaught on our public services.

UNISON in Greater London needs to raise our game if we are to be worthy of the members we organise and lead. The lay leadership of our lay led trade union needs to take seriously our responsibility to provide leadership to our members (and guidance and direction to our employees). Tomorrow's Annual General Meeting of our Regional Council will be an opportunity for us to rise to that challenge.

I may pop by here tomorrow to remark on how successful we have been.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the EE network.

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