
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The future of UNISON depends upon our members and activists

UNISON members need a trade union which fights for their interests rather more effectively than is currently the case.
Today’s meeting of our NEC received a report back on pay negotiations from which one can draw the depressing news that pretty much all our public sector members are getting no more than the Government’s 1% pay norm.
Behind the sorry reality of our failure to reverse declining living standards is the disturbing information which came to light over the past year concerning trade union democracy (about which you will hear more soon).
If we are to resurrect UNISON we will need to engage, encourage and empower activists.
In this regard I am pleased to have received the following information about recent and forthcoming meetings for UNISON activists who want to be part of rebuilding our trade union;

  • Yorkshire and Humberside Region - Saturday 15th October, 12 - 2pm at The Victoria Hotel, 28 George St, Leeds, LS1 3DL (back of the City Hall)
  • South East Region - Saturday 24th September, 5-6.30pm at The Maybury Centre, Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HD - (this was their second meeting and there will be more to follow with more notice apologies) Watch this space for details of the next meeting. 
  • North West Region Region - Saturday 15th October, 1.30 - 3pm in Preston, .Stanley Arms, Upstairs, 24 Lancaster Rd Preston PR1 1DA
  • Greater London Region - Tuesday 1st November 7 - 9pm - venue to be announced
  • South West Region - Friday 14th October 7- 8.30pm at Friends Meeting House,13 Bath Place,Taunton,TA1 4EP
  • West Midlands -  Tuesday 25 October 2016 7 - 8.30pm Wellington Pub 37 Bennett's Hill Birmingham B2  5SN – top floor room. 5 mins from New St station exit ,just off Colmore Row
  • Northern Region - awaiting final details
  • Scotland Region - November date pending
  •  Wales/Cymru Region - November date pending

These meetings are open to all UNISON members – and all UNISON members need them to succeed.

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