
Saturday, November 05, 2016

Some inconsequential information

At a meeting of UNISON activists in London last week I shared with colleagues my decision not to seek an eighth term on UNISON’s National Executive Council (NEC) in the next round of elections.

I was pleased to learn that my friend and comrade, Sean Fox, the experienced and committed Secretary of our campaigning Haringey Branch, Vice-Chair of the Regional Local Government Committee and London representative on the National Joint Council (NJC) Committee will seek nominations for the seat I have held since 2003. Sean is an excellent candidate, deserving of the support of all those who want an effective and democratic trade union.

Should I see out my current term of office I will have served fourteen years on the NEC (and twenty one on the Regional Committee). It seems wrong to hog all that entertainment to myself indefinitely! Having won seven consecutive elections to the NEC in the Greater London Region (benefitting no doubt from the principled stance of complete neutrality adopted by the office in every election) I don’t think it is unreasonable for me to seek to have a little more time to enjoy life beyond a UNISON meeting.

I started this blog to report back as an NEC member but regular readers (Sid and Doris Blogger) should not fear that I will fall silent. There are things which I have been told not talk about (and so, of course I will) and things about which I myself have said I won't blog about yet (but soon). Those misusing our trade union can rest assured that they shall not escape comment and attention.

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