
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

We wunt be druv

There’s an old Sussex saying, now adopted by Harvey’s Brewery, “we wunt be druv.”

This means that we won’t be driven, Sussex folk have our own minds. Socialists in Brighton and Hove need to remember this Sussex saying just now.

With a socialist-led Labour Government on the horizon, the establishment, their allies and lackeys are pulling out all the stops to attack our Labour Party.

Unlike Dutch Elm Disease, the South Downs don’t provide protection against attacks on the Labour Party – on Labour members, activists and candidates.

But we wunt be druv. We are engaged in a serious campaign to secure a Labour majority on Brighton and Hove City Council.

We won’t be frightened into silence. Nor will we allow anger to distract us. We will stand together, and campaign together, for our socialist manifesto.

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