
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The militant face of trade union strikers was laid bare - nine years on...

Nine years ago yesterday, I was hauled in, after a meeting of UNISON’s National Executive Council (NEC) to be given an official “ticking off” by the General Secretary, in the presence of the Presidential Team (and - so I would know how seriously things were being taken - a lawyer), for having told off strikebreakers for strikebreaking in the pensions strike of 30 November 2011.

This took place in the short period between that incredible strike and the publication of “Heads of Agreement” which eventually led to the unsatisfactory settlement of the dispute

Trade unionists need to recover the spirit of 2011 (rather than 2012) if our movement is going to stand a chance of facing down the coming attacks from the Tory Government. We also need support for trade unions taking action from Labour politicians.

Labour’s Leader is pledged to; 

Work shoulder to shoulder with trade unions to stand up for working people, tackle insecure work and low pay. 

Repeal the Trade Union Act. 

Oppose Tory attacks on the right to take industrial action and the weakening of workplace rights.

So we should be able to expect to see support for workers in dispute frontbenchers on picket lines - particularly those easily accessible from Westminster.

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