Now -read the book!

Here is a link to my memoirs which, if you are a glutton for punishment, you can purchase online at
Men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name. (William Morris - A Dream of John Ball)

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Normal blogging in 2023...

Regular readers of this Blog (Sid and Doris Blogger) may have noticed a dearth of posts over the past month.

Rather than promising that "normal service will be resumed as soon as possible", I think it may be more sensible to say that this could be the “new normal”. 

I have written here before about my diagnosis of prostate cancer, and subsequently of advanced prostate cancer. Not wanting me to miss out on a very popular illness which I had otherwise escaped for the last three years, this holiday season kindly also gifted me my first experience of Covid (!) I have recovered from Covid, but won't be recovering from cancer…

This blog has always been primarily somewhere where I pontificate based upon my experience in our movement. Following my stepping down from my UNISON responsibilities in 2017, I have spent the past six years serving as chair of Brighton Pavilion Constituency Labour Party (CLP). I also served as the last chair of the Brighton and Hove Local Campaign Forum.

Given the unavoidable progressive deterioration in my state of health, I will not be seeking re-election as CLP Chair at the coming AGM. I am no longer able to commit to attend evening meetings, particularly not as we return to meeting in person. I certainly can't be out on the streets campaigning.

Of course this will change the nature of this little blog.

I hope to continue blogging for a while yet however. Indeed, once I no longer hold any position in the movement I may take the opportunity to be a little more forthright in expressing my opinions (having always been exceptionally measured and reserved in everything I have ever said here of course…)

For now, I wish good luck to the comrades locally who will be standing for Labour in May’s local elections and all those in UNISON who will be supporting the Time For Real Change candidates in the forthcoming elections to the national Executive Council.


Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed and terribly sadened that a treatable illness is allowed to take hold. Our friend Mike JACKSON, shafted by Unison succumbed to prostate cancer a year ago. For my part my time with Unison ceased when Stuart Barbara was placed into Barnet LG mid dispute/strike and I was given 3 piss poor reasons as to why. I was medically retired with MS. For your remaining time alive I do hope that you enjoy yourself as much as possible. Best wishes Jon and much love.

Anonymous said...

Please keep posting when you can, it keeps me sane reading your searing analyses!

Anonymous said...

Solidarity Jon! And to the Unison Time for Real Change candidates. The CLP was very fortunate to have you as Chair. Looking forward to your future blogs xx

Jim Fagan said...

I wish you all the best Jon, always a principled campaigner, you should be proud of your record.