Now -read the book!

Here is a link to my memoirs which, if you are a glutton for punishment, you can purchase online at
Men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name. (William Morris - A Dream of John Ball)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Who're SUE?

I blogged a little while ago about the dispute between UNISON and its main staff trade union (UNITE) over some proposed staffing changes.

The UNITE members protesting outside UNISON Regional Office were joined briefly by one or two members of another trade union – SUE (the Society of Union Employees).

But who’re SUE?

A cursory glance at the internet reveals – according to the Certification Officer website – that they have 288 members employed by UNISON, but are not affiliated to the TUC (and have no political fund).

Google only reveals that SUE once spoke up for a senior official facing allegations of bullying.

Now I would be the first to accept that employees of a trade union are hardly in an identical position to all other workers, and that there are difficulties and contradictions in unionising the employees of a trade union.

But can someone explain to me how union officials in a TUC affiliated trade union can come to the conclusion that their interests will be best served by membership of a union which is apolitical and outside the TUC?

And why doesn’t the organisation have a presence on the internet?


Anonymous said...

I agree ith both the John's but tell me Jon R is there a link between this post and your last one?

Anonymous said...

It's because they're a scab organisation who do anything that management want said...

I'd want a union if I worked for one.
They've joined the GFTU which charges about a pound per member per year plus the time: SUE don't look as though they've got paid officials to answer letters for them.

Hard to understand any problem with a small union not wanting to join the TUC.