The situation in the Middle East is escalating into a very dangerous international crisis. Trade unionists in the UK cannot stand back and ignore this crisis.
These are the details of the Central London meeting tomorrow(Monday 17 July) at 7pm called by the Stop the War Coalition;
Israel out of Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria... Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London WC1 (opp Euston Station)SPEAKERS: •George Galloway MP •Jeremy Corbyn MP •Dr Azzam Tamimi •Lindsey German (StWC) •Jane Shallice (StWC) •Betty Hunter (PSC)
Not all of us can get to meetings called at such short notice - but then the Israeli's didn't give much notice of their invasion of Lebanon! More details are at http://www.stopwar.org.uk/
UNISON backs the Stop the War Coalition, of which our Deputy General Secretary, Keith Sonnet is Vice Chair.
UNISON has clear policy on Palestine and the Middle East peace process as set out in several National Delegate Conference (NDC) motions over the past few years. UNISON supports both an independent Palestinian state and the right of a secure Israel to exist. However, UNISON believes that this can only happen if Israel withdraws from the Occupied Territories to its 1967 borders.
Details of UNISON policy are at http://www.unison.org.uk/international/middleeast.asp
1 comment:
perhaps a meeting condemning the islamic fascists who butcher ordinary working people might be in order too?
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