The Annual meeting of the Labour Representation Committee (LRC) takes place this Saturday – 22 July – from 10am at Congress House. Full details are available online at www.l-r-c.org.uk. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Challenging for Labour’s Future” – and it is about time that those of us still waiting for a Labour (rather than New Labour) Government which supports the policies supported by our trade unions got together and got organised.
You can turn up and pay your registration and membership on the day. UNISON members will be caucusing over lunch to discuss how to pursue the debate about the future of the Party within our Union.
I think Dave is lovely - but I disagree with his view that the left ought not to stand against Brown for Labour leader.
It seems to me that we need a serious challenge for the future of our movement - and that John McDonnell is the challenge to be sought!
I'm ashamed to say I'm not sure - I'll have to look into this. It is such a long time since we elected a Leader that last time I was not paying into an affiliated political fund.
Unions have to ballot their members in order to participate in the election (which is a good thing) - but I can't remember whether the individual votes of all trade unionists are aggreggated for the union third of the electoral college, or whether each union votes as a bloc for the winner in their own ballot.
I think it's the former - perhaps someone else reading this will tell me (if not I'll find out, since I certainly should know!)
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