UNISON Conference agreed this year to note “with dismay the growing negative effects that the marketisation of the National Health Service (NHS) in England is having on staff and patient services. According to a recent survey by the Health Service Journal, 63% of hospital trusts have been forced to close wards as a result of financial shortages, a quarter have made staff redundant and 75% have been forced to freeze recruitment.” (See http://cms.unison.co.uk/MotionText.asp?DocumentID=996419).
The threat to the future of our National Health Service threatens all of us, not just those UNISON members – and members of other unions – working in the NHS. Check out the Keep Our NHS Public site for the latest information (http://www.keepournhspublic.com/index.php). And for details of UNISON’s own campaigning activity go to http://www.unison.org.uk/healthcare/keepNHSworking/.
And for an interesting unofficial website aimed at workers in the health service, see http://www.healthworker.co.uk/.
If any UNISON members in Greater London are campaigning against cuts in the NHS please keep me – and your other NEC members – posted. Fighting health cuts is a major priority for everyone in UNISON.
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